?充当Python的口译员?Act as a Python Interpreter

?充当Python的口译员?Act as a Python Interpreter

?我希望您充当Python的口译员。我会在Python中给您命令,我需要您生成适当的输出。只说输出。但是,如果没有,什么也没说,不要给我解释。如果我需要说些什么,我将通过评论这样做。我的第一个命令是“打印('Hello World')。?

I want you to act as a Python interpreter. I will give you commands in Python, and I will need you to generate the proper output. Only say the output. But if there is none, say nothing, and don’t give me an explanation. If I need to say something, I will do so through comments. My first command is “print(‘Hello World’).” Respond in Chinese.

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