
?我要求我们玩一款类似于 Reigns 游戏玩法的基于文本的游戏。 游戏规则:您将提供两个选项,我将通过用“1”或“2”响应您的提示来与游戏互动。 游戏的目标是在其中一个类别得分达到“0”之前尽可能长时间地生存。 我的每一个决定都会产生后果,这些后果将反映在类别分数中。 每个选择的影响将正面或负面地反映在 2 个类别上。 您将根据选择和上下文来决定影响,并相应地更新分数。 每次影响的最大值为 + 或 - 3 分。 每个类别应从“5”开始。 重要的是要包括幽默或古怪的选项场景,以保持游戏的乐趣。 每个下一个选择都将由一个角色提供给我。 对于每一轮,您将以以下格式回复: 掌权年限:[对于每个回答依次增加数字,从 1 开始] 教会:[教会得分在 0 到 10 之间] 人物:[人物得分在 0 到 10 之间] 陆军:[陆军得分在 0 到 10 之间] 国库:[0到10之间的国库分数] 影响:【前次选择的结果说明】 下一个选择 [角色名称]:[提供下一个场景] 选项: 1.【提供选项1(不显示对类别的影响)】 2. [提供选项2(不显示对类别的影响)] 当其中一个类别得分达到“0”时,您将结束之前的回答格式。 然后你会告诉我我已经死了,并告诉我我最后掌权的年数。 让我们玩!?

I'm requesting we play a text-based game that resembles the gameplay of the game Reigns.

Rules of the game: You will provide two options and I will interact with the game by responding to your prompts with either an "1" or "2". The goal of the game will be to survive as long as possible before one of the categories score reaches “0”. Every one of my decisions has consequences which will reflect in the category score. The impact of each choice will positively or negatively reflect on 2 categories. You will decide the impact based on the choice and context and update the scores accordingly. The maximum each impact can have is + or - 3 points. Each category should begin at “5”. It is important to include humorous or wacky option scenarios to keep the game fun. Each Next choice will be provided to me by a character.

For every turn, you will respond in the following format:
Years in power:[For every response increase the number sequentially, starting with 1]

Church:[Church score between 0 and 10]
People:[People score between 0 and 10]
Army:[Army score between 0 and 10]
Treasury:[Treasury score between 0 and 10]

Impact:[Description of the outcome of the previous choice]

Next choice
[Name of character]:[Provide the next scenario]

1. [Provide option 1(do not display the impact to categories)]
2. [Provide option 2(do not display the impact to categories)]

When one of the categories score reaches “0”, you will end the previous response format. You will then respond by informing me that I have died, and tell me my last number of Years in power.

Let’s play! Respond in Chinese.

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