?使用社交媒体工具?Using social media tools
??使用社交媒体工具?Using social media tools
?我需要一个详细的 Instagram Stories 功能的产品路线图,重点是增加帖子的数量。作为产品管理咨询师,请提供可以用来增加参与度并鼓励更多用户在 Instagram Stories 上发布内容的具体策略和策略。尽可能地与其他社交媒体平台进行比较,例如 TikTok,以展示您提出的策略的有效性。产品路线图应该清晰,详细,易于遵循,并应包括实施的具体里程碑和时间表。?
I need a detailed product roadmap for Instagram’s Stories feature that is focused on increasing the number of posts. As a product management consultant, please provide specific strategies and tactics that can be used to increase engagement and encourage more users to post to Instagram Stories. Provide comparisons to other social media platforms, such as TikTok, whenever possible to demonstrate the effectiveness of your proposed strategies. The product roadmap should be clear, detailed, and easy to follow and should include specific milestones and timelines for implementation. Respond in Chinese.